"Developing students into healthy leaders and entrepreneurs through discipline, dedication and development."


B.O.S.S. is committed to developing students into healthy leaders and entrepreneurs.
Event participation / Vendor Request
BOSS host several events throughout the year for communities to promote health, leadership, and entrepreneurship. The members of BOSS understand the role of entrepreneurs in being a positive impact for the stakeholders in the their organization. BOSS also host these events in efforts to raise funds for the students within the organization. If you wish to participate or become a vendor, click the register here button. You may make donations/payments through CASH APP $BOSSYOUTHLEAGUE, check, credit/debit card, cashier's check or in person. In addition to registering to play, you must click the link to all of BOSS social media platforms to like, share, follow, and subscribe to BOSS YOUTH LEAGUE. Thank you for supporting BOSS! *Due to our non profit 501c3 status, we offer no refunds for registration, trips, merchandise or donations, etc..
© 2019 by Best of Student Shooters (B.O.S.S.) Youth League Fund Inc.